Cronksbank Cottage update
Pasivhaus is the leading international low energy building standard. In the report, the architect detailed 4 options for us to consider:
- Option 1 involves addressing all issues raised in the condition survey but none of the works mentioned relate directly to energy efficiency.
- Option 2 is as per option 1 plus all energy efficiency or low carbon services sufficient to get the cottage to pass the EESSH2 standard by using RdSAP.
- Option 3 sets out the work that would be needed to meet the AECB Carbonlite Standard.
- Option 4 is broadly similar to Option 2 but with some tweaks relevant to the property.
After discussions the trustees have agreed to pursue Option 4.
So what happens now? We have been a bit delayed with the next stages whilst we worked out whether or not we were going to need planning permission for the refurbishment works (we don’t) so now we can go ahead with tender documents so we can get costs before putting in a submission to the Rural Housing Fund for capital support for the project. RHF won’t cover all the costs so we will be considering a range of funding options.
We are going to have an evening talk from the architect, Chris Morgan, later this year and, if funding allows, we are hoping to hold a workshop in spring of next year which will be a practical hands on how to undertake energy efficiency in our own homes. Watch this space for dates.
Thanks to both the Rural Housing Fund and Solway Bank windfarm for funding the work todate. If you want more information on the project, contact angela on